Trees grow on money
If we are to prevent complete environmental collapse, business needs to be part of the solution of regenerating the planet. New strategies and technologies will help. But what if we go beyond seeing the problem as something ‘out there’ to fix, and understand what indigenous peoples have always known: that nature is at the centre of who we are. Can we overcome the culture clash between the capitalist juggernaut and an earth-centred solution? And in practice, how do we place nature at the heart of everything we do in business?

Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Home is more than a house, a place of shelter. Home is also feeling, an ideal, an experience. We sense 'home' in many ways, in our body and soul, in our relationships, community and country.
Climate change is changing the way we think about our planet as a home. For over ten thousand years humans existed in a fair climate that allowed us to thrive on this planet. But each year, as the effects of global warming impact all of us, our sense of home is being shaken to its core. And, in correlation, we are seeing a degradation of home on many fronts from the housing market that prices people out and makes rental accommodation expensive and unstable, through to the feeling of being less at home inside our own hearts and minds, with increases in mental health problems, loneliness and workplace stress.
Climate change, that affects every human beings' experience of home, is a clarion call to re-evaluate what home means to us and how to rebuild it. And a new conversation about home can help unite us towards the cultural changes that are required to meet the challenges of environmental breakdown.

Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
There is a problem faced by corporations large and small alike: corporations need to maintain a strong image yet the corporate image often negatively impacts its workers, who feel beholden to it at all times and belittled by its power. In many indigenous cultures there is a sacred role of the Trickster. The Trickster laughs at self importance and convention, providing a necessary cultural counterbalance. What if there is a place for them in the modern workplace?

Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
What is a Corporate Shaman? The common view is a consultant who uses indigenous spiritual (shamanic) practices for the purposes of assisting business. But the term is heavily loaded and runs into criticism regarding cultural appropriation, ineffectiveness and other risks. The first in a three part series, this episode explores the uncomfortable space between the corporate and the shamanic, and how there might be a place for the reinvention of such a role, through the lens of regenerative business.

Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
A regenerative business aims to move beyond the zero-sum game of sustainability and aims to give back more than it takes: to help re-afforest, de-carbonise, increase biodiversity, clean up the seas. To really work, there needs to be a radical shift of mindset. This introduction to the series defines regenerative business and how can we can all become regenerative, even if the environment is not part of our day-to-day purpose and even if we don't have large surpluses to invest in green initiatives.